The Bird's Nest - helping ANNA develop new features
Calling all testers - we’re looking for customers to join The Bird’s Nest
- In this article
- Why are we doing this?
- How can I get involved?
Be part of the design process and get a direct line to the ANNA app design team. We want you to help us invent new features and improve old ones.
We’ll give you access to new features through the app for you to test and feedback on. We’ll share prototypes and test early ideas with you before we develop them - and we’ll have plenty of discussion around what you need from ANNA so we can prioritise what we do.
Why are we doing this?
Because everything at ANNA starts with the customer. We want to work with you to create features that answer your real-world needs.
How can I get involved?
Join our new Facebook group called ‘The Bird’s Nest’, where we’ll share what we’re working on. Feel free to participate as much or as little as you like. The more we hear from you the better the results will be.
We’ll offer nice incentives for your help and participation.