24/7 support status

Support status and uptime

You shouldn’t have to wait hours to speak to your bank. That’s why we have a team of award-winning customer service agents based in Cardiff. They’re online 24/7 every day, including Christmas Day.
Got a question? Just chat with us in the app and we’ll get back to you in a minute. Sounds better than waiting for hours, doesn’t it?
Current account services running as normal
No known issues

Current time to chat to a human

Last 6 hours (median)

How long was the wait?

Recent months median answer times

What if I need to chat at 3am?

Last 30 days average answer times
Daytime0m 46s
Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm
At night0m 40s
Monday to Friday, 8pm-8am
Weekends0m 38s
Saturday and Sunday
The reviews are in
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