This couple run a business together. How to make it work at work?

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching so we thought it‘d be apt to chat to an ANNA company that’s run by a couple, to find out how they juggle the personal and the professional, whether they ever come to blows over business decisions, and whether working together is the best (or worst?) thing they’ve ever done.

Meet Tom and Montse
And that inspiring couple are Tom and Montse from ecology and landscaping business Just Lime Grass. Established in 2007, Just Lime Grass specialises in integrating native trees and flowers, encouraging wildlife to return to gardens and connecting nature with the home (or commercial building) to create a peaceful and holistic space.
Tom and Montse have been together for 30 years and also have a six-year-old son. They met as teenagers and it was literally love at first sight. “We were at an international scout jamboree in Holland in 1995. Montse represented Mexico, I represented England,” recalls Tom. “I saw her and pursued her for two weeks. Then when I was 19, I eventually went to Mexico to track her down.”
¡Que romántico! Here are their tips on how to make working with your partner work for you:
You both need clearly defined roles
Tom: Montse's got much bigger ideas and comes from a background of big family businesses, while I come from more of a background of digging holes in the mud! So I go on site and get my hands dirty – I’m a doer and I’m good at implementing – while Montse steers us and sets the course.
She looks ahead, she’s always looking ahead. For example, about 10 years ago she was questioning why we were using rubber tree ties. I said, ‘Because we always do’. But she said that we needed to find something better for the planet and sourced sisal ties which we’ve been using ever since.
It helps to have very clear roles, because there’s always going to be disagreements in every relationship, every job. But if you have clarity, who is in charge of what and what the goal is, then you have tools to have a conversation. So even if we have a disagreement, we can find the middle point easily.
We met travelling when we were teens, then from the age of 19 to 25 we were going backwards and forwards at least three times a year to each other's countries. So our whole relationship has always been backwards, forwards and teamwork. We've always been a team.

Our relationship was actually the inspiration for our business. We were working full time, trying to save money to be able to afford those trips to see each other. We needed to find a way to afford the flights.
Montse: Tom always called himself a gardener, but he’d studied ecology, soil science and biology, and he was running a very successful small business. So one of those times I was visiting, I said: “we can do more than just do pretty gardens, cutting lawns and pruning. We can actually use what we know to help nature.“
So in 2007 we decided to change the direction of the business and take on soft and hard landscaping for much bigger projects.
Have clear boundaries
Montse: We have one rule and it's pretty much for our customers. We do have a personal life and we do work really hard in office hours. So our rule is that we clearly say to our customers that you can contact us during office hours and we will respond as soon as we can in office hours. If you don't have customers calling you on the weekend, for example, you have a space to have a time for you as a family, as a couple.
Yes, that’s a really strict boundary and sets out clear time away from the business – even if we still talk about it a lot!
Believe in each other and accept your differences
Tom: We’re supportive of each other and accepting that we each bring something different to the business. I might come up with something very mechanical, dry and boring but it could make the business a lot of money. In my mind it’s so clear, but not to Montse. But she’ll still accept my idea and have confidence and faith in me that it will work.
By the same token, I might not have the foggiest what Montse’s on about – she’ll talk about concepts and visions, nothing I can tangibly grasp. But I have the confidence and knowledge of what she brings to the business – and I trust her. If you’re in a partnership you have to respect the other person’s differences. And you have to go for it even if you don’t understand it.
What do you enjoy most about working together?
Tom: For me it’s the picnics! It doesn’t matter the weather, that’s our working lunch.
Montse: The opposite of what people may assume about working with your partner – it’s because we can have more time together.
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